

Follow Me

While the meme below may cause us older people to chuckle, this is a prime example of how words can and do change the way their used and interpretated over time. Words that I use and say can and do mean different things to my kids and vice versa. It reaffirms that we must ensure that we are looking at the words as they would have been used when they were written. It is no different with the Bible. We may have an idea of the way a word is used, and it may not be the way it was intended or used in the 1st century. We must be careful of this so that we understand the wording and point that the Biblical writers were conveying to us. If we aren’t careful, we could interpret the meaning of a word incorrectly and thus we not be applying the principle that God demands and desires.

            Follow Me is such a simple statement from Jesus. But think about it in the way that this meme is portraying. The young man is asking about social media sites for him to follow Jesus. Think about how easy it is to follow someone on Facebook and their messages or comments get shuffled among all the other individuals and groups you follow. You may not see a specific person’s posts for days or weeks at a time. How horrible that would be to only look at God’s word every so often. And then if you read something someone posted that hurt your feelings or was contrary to what you like, then you could simply unfollow them. It really is easy to do because most of the time, you don’t have a real connection. There may be no real feelings towards that person. And even you truly follow Jesus, you can still unfollow Him physically and spiritually as well. But if you were truly following Him, then you would feel that tug from the connection your body and soul had to Him. It is personal. Not just some profile picture, but that which can truly change us.

            It sounds so easy. Follow Me. Yet, that is truly all He has ever asked of us. There are things that we may have to change, and it might hurt to do so. But the reward is so, so sweet. Is this how you view your relationship with Jesus? Just another person on your social media that you only think about if you happen to see their post pop up. Do you talk directly to Him daily? Do you seek Him out to Follow and obey Him? Do you open your daily to listen to Him speak to you? To truly follow Him is the greatest thing you could do. He left the comforts of heaven with the Father to walk among us, and ultimately to die for us. And the only thing He asked in return was to “Follow Me.” Now that is someone I will follow! If you aren’t following Him yet, I simply ask you why not?

  1. Wed Bible Study
    2/19/25 07:00pm
  2. Sun AM Worship
    2/23/25 10:00am
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    2/23/25 11:00am
  4. Wed Bible Study
    2/26/25 07:00pm
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